News Detail

Restart of small access switches on various premises on Tuesday, April 2nd at 6:30 a.m.

Due to a necessary security update, small access switches on various TU Wien premises have to be restarted.

In the course of the reboot, a limited number of network devices in the affected areas A / Karlsplatz, B / Getreidemarkt, C / Gusshausstrasse, D / Freihaus and Library, OA / Arsenal will lose their connection on Tuesday, April 2nd at 06:30 for about 5 minutes.

The major scope of the update regards media switches (lecture hall media control and LectureTube).

The update will also affect a small number of computers, phones and cameras.

If you have any questions or problems relating to the announced works, please contact the respective TUnet release agent of your institute / division or