News Detail

Release Roomdatabase

In order to bring room management up to date, the room database has been moved to TISS.

Roomdatabase Logo

The room database (RDB) is the basic infrastructure for the administration of all rooms at the TU Vienna. With the new edition, we were able to bring it up to the current state of the art. The release of the new RDB V.1 is the first step towards central room management.  The RDB still stands alone, in the coming month the interface to the TISS address book will be created.

But that was not all...

Various room information (information on teaching rooms, equipment for events...) exist in different places, which will be combined, standardized and mapped in TISS in further versions. 

The long-term maintenance of the room data in TISS (people change offices, org units are relocated, new rooms are opened up, etc.) is the responsibility of GUT.